Within the framework of the project Zabeg.rf Terra Siberia the 61 th Vasilij Udut run named after a fabulous sportsman and coach from Tomsk, Vasiliy Semenovich Udut, took place in Tomsk, 22 May
Overall start was signaled at 9:00 Moscow time. The signal was given at 13:00 in Tomsk.
886 people ran semi-marathon and demonstrated their physical conditioning. Extreme heat of 31°С didn’t become a barrier for sportspeople of all ages. A burning desire to prove, firstly to themselves, what they are made of, gave strength, energy and satisfied thirst.
21.1 km-, 10km-, 5 km- and 1 km (for the youngest runners) runs were offered by the organizers. Every participant could choose a suitable distance to cover it.
All marathoners were presented with a starting set: a medal at the finish, a special T-shirt and a bag, participant number and certificate as well as gifts from partners.
We are always up to the minute with the latest news of the city. We haven’t missed this event - our employees attended this sports festival.
3 SIAM representatives took part in Vasilij Udut run - Alexander Anikanov, Anna Belousova and Ivan Prorokov.
It was the first 10km run for Alexander and Anna. They covered the distance for the same time - 1:00:37. Ivan chose the 21.1 km run and his time was 1:59:26.
The colleagues said that the run wasn’t easy, cross-over, with descents and ascents. But «It is even more interesting to demonstrate stamina, strength and moral courage!»
We do our best to stand out not only with our professional achievements among competitors but also to manifest ourselves in different projects of the city, the region and the country.
We are proud of our each sportsperson and assure - it isn’t a first and not the last sports project SIAM takes part in!
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