Oilfield services

Wellhead pressure and temperature gauge UMT-03

The series of gauges UMT-03 provides the most complete range of gauges application in the industry and national economy.


The series of gauges UMT-03 provides the most complete range of gauges application in the industry and national economy. The presence of data standard transfer protocol 4-20mA+ (+HART modem), RS-485(MODBUS) allows installing UMT-03 in systems of automation and standard telemetry. The presence of a wireless internal modem allows creating wireless systems of data storage and transfer via the Internet (GSM/GPRS/LTE, Ethernet). The internal memory and autonomous power supply allows applying UMT-03 as an autonomous tool, long-time measuring with pre-set interval and downloading the obtained results via USB or Bluetooth BLE interfaces into controllers (f.e. smartphone or computer).


  • Extended temperature range from -40˚С to + 85˚С;
  • Bright and sharp nonglare OLED display;
  • Compact control set, remote control and measurement start;
  • The possibility to operate using an internal battery or external power supply.


Available in ranges of pressure 4, 10, 25, 40, 60, 100 MPa
Max reduced error (in ranges of annular pressure ), not more ±0.15%
Pressure (MPa) / temperature (C) resolution 0.0001 /0.001
Temperature measurement range From -40⁰ C to +80⁰ C
From -40⁰ C to +125⁰ C
Operating temperature range: From -40⁰ C to +85⁰ C
Max absolute error while temperature measuring with internal sensor ± 0,2°C.
Min time step 1 sec
Maximum measurement period 24 hours
Memory capacity 16777216 (190 days @ 1sec, 950 days@ 5sec)
Continuous operation time (interval 1 min), display is switched, min 3 years
Data transfer interface current 4-20 mA, RS485 (Modbus), USB, Bluetooth BLE
wireless interface working distance, min 100 m
Range of external power supply 5-36В@20mA
Weight, max 1,5 kg
Explosion proof protection / Ingress Protection Rating 1 Ex ib IIB T3 Gb X / IP67

** and **** - optional, request when ordering


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