Analysis practice in Kappa Saphir software
General information
Working language:
The training duration:
32 hours
The target audience:
Specialists in the sphere of oil and gas field development and operation, reservoir production improvement, who have experience in PTA.
The office of SIAM MASTER Ltd: 10 a Oktyabrskaya street, Tomsk 634003. The minimum number of trainees for the training is 6.
- training is conducted in the form of online training which implies audiovisual delivery (presentation) and active involvement of trainees;
- discussion of problems and questions;
- practice in specialized software;
- level increase of Kappa «Saphir» users with solving sophisticated problems and trainees examples;
Training content
1 day
Goals and objectives of PTA. Practical application while monitoring oil and gas field development.PTA results. PTA cases in Kappa «Saphir». Software introduction. Data import. Plotting.PTA cases in Kappa «Saphir» - vertical well, fluid – oil, pressure build-up curve, pressure fall-off curve.
2 day
Analyses of complex reservoirs and complicated PTA. Cases . Partial penetration. Hydraulic fracture. Oil well. Auto-fracturing. Injection well. Radial-composite model.
3 day
Analyses of complex reservoirs and complicated PTA. Cases. Gas effect. PTA features in horizontal wells. PTA design. Questions and answers. Feedback from trainees.