Pressure transient analysis for gas wells
General information
Working language:
The training duration:
24 hours
The target audience:
Specialists in the sphere of oil and gas field development and operation, reservoir production improvement.
The office of SIAM MASTER Ltd: 10 a Oktyabrskaya street, Tomsk 634003. The minimum number of trainees for the training is 6.
- training is conducted in the form of online training which implies audiovisual delivery (presentation) and active involvement of trainees;
- discussion of problems and questions;
- practice in specialized software;
- solution of difficult problems and questions of those trainees who have already worked in the field of designing and interpreting well testing of gas wells;
- quality improvement of conducted well testing, prompt development supervising;
- introduction of new methods of interpretation and conducting well testing together with cost saving on measurements and testing;
- quality improvement of a priori unsuccessful and complicated PTA;
Training content
1 day
Physicochemical and thermophysical properties of natural gases. Joule Thompson effect. Survey technique of steady state wells. Isochronous method. Modified isochronous method. The range of application. assessment of fidelity for obtained data. PTA. Processing method of pressure build-up curve. Complicating factor impact on pressure build-up curve shape. Reservoir pressure evaluation by pressure build-up curve.
2 day
Possible complications during gas and gas condensate well operation, and gas dynamic testing. Retrograde condensation. Hydrating. Gas well production test. Recalculation of gas rate taking into account known productivity coefficients. Recalculating gas rate using orifice plate flow meter. Gas rate calculation with a differential flowmeter. Computational method of reservoir pressure evaluation. Сase Studies.
3 day
Interpretation of steady flow tests. Rate dependent component of skin factor. Flow coefficients. Graphic and analytic methods. Well testing design. Сases. Questions and answers. Feedback from trainees.