Pressure transient analysis (enhanced applied)
General information
Working language:
The training duration:
32 hours
The target audience:
Specialists in the sphere of oil and gas field development and operation, reservoir production improvement.
The office of SIAM MASTER Ltd: 10 a Oktyabrskaya street, Tomsk 634003. The minimum number of trainees for the training is 6.
- training is conducted in the form of online training which implies audiovisual delivery (presentation) and active involvement of trainees;
- discussion of problems and questions;
- practice in specialized software;
- solution of difficult problems and questions of those trainees who have already worked in the field of design and interpreting well testing;
- quality improvement of conducted well testing, together with cost saving on ineffective measurements and testing; improvement of prompt technical monitoring of field development;
- introduction of new methods of interpretation and conducting well testing together with cost saving on measurements and testing;
- quality improvement of a priori unsuccessful and complicated testing;
Training content
1 day
Goals and objectives of PTA. Practical application while monitoring oil and gas field development. PTA in combination with interpretation of data from other sources. Accuracy assessment of input data from other sources. Selection of a model during PTA. Analyses of complex reservoirs and complicated PTA. Cases.
2 day
Analyses of complex reservoirs and complicated PTA. Cases. PTA features in horizontal wells. Complicated cases. Cases.
3 day
Review of factors with negative impact on the quality of PTA and evaluation of their effect on fidelity. Cases. Gas effect on the results of pressure measurement during PTA. Abnormal pressure increase. Gas humping. Review of methods of isobar mapping. Multiphase flow interpretation. Perrine method. Case study.
4 day
Review of Rubis. Processing of long-term pressure measurement data. Rate transient analysis (Topaze), deconvolution (Saphir). PTA design. Cases. Questions and answers. Feedback from trainees.