Oilfield services

Basics of geological modelling

General information

Working language:


The training duration:

32 hours

The target audience:

Specialists in the sphere of oil and gas field development and operation, reservoir production improvement, who don’t have special education in Geology.


The office of SIAM MASTER Ltd: 10 a Oktyabrskaya street, Tomsk 634003. The minimum number of trainees for the training is 6.

Getting modern geological ideas about Earth structure and its main processes occurring on the surface and subsurface, introducing to the methodology of 3-D geological modelling, studying features of continuous geological models and the basis of reported mapping of different data, maps quality control and compliance with approved requirements.


  • training is conducted in the form of online training which implies audiovisual delivery (presentation) and active involvement of trainees;
  • discussion of problems and questions;


  • getting modern geological ideas about Earth structure and its main processes occurring on the surface and subsurface;
  • introducing to the methodology of 3-D geological modelling, studying features of continuous geological models;
  • studying the basis of reported mapping of different data, maps quality control and compliance with approved requirements;

Training content

1 day

The history of oil production, introduction to the course. The Earth structure, plate tectonics. Geological time and dating (stratigraphy). The classification and main types of rocks. Metamorphism, magmatism.

2 day

Petroleum system. Oil source, oil and gas traps. The classification of oil and gas accumulation. Oil and gas field prospecting indicators. Tectonic genesis cycles, oil-and-gas provinces.

3 day

The basis of reservoir sedimentology. Sedimentogenesis, diagenesis. Sedimental models, imaging of sedimentological columns. The idea of facies, facies analysis. Electric facies analysis. Types of sedimentation environments. Sequence stratography.

4 day

The basis of geological modelling. Types of initial data for geological modelling. Modelling methods. The features of reserves estimation volumetric method. Theoretical bases of geological model mapping. Modern Russian and foreign classification of reserves. Questions and answers. Feedback from trainees.

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